Period relief


This soothing blend is for anyone experiencing bloating, painful cramps, irritability, moodiness, sadness, headaches, low energy, joint pain, tender and swollen breasts, brain fog, heavy menstrual periods, food cravings, binge eating, and exhaustion during their menstrual cycle. Don’t suffer during your periods anymore, grab this all-natural Period Relief blend so you can menstruate without pain or emotional side effects.

TO USE: Apply 1 pump on inner wrists, forearms or lower abdomen 1-2x daily while discomfort persists.

INGREDIENTS: ORGANIC AVOCADO OIL, 100% PURE THERAPEUTIC GRADE ESSENTIAL OILS: FENNEL, CLARY SAGE, MARJORAM, LAVENDER, YARROW, JASMINE. ⚠️ Please Note: This blend may interfere with oral contraceptives, use caution, and consider additional birth control if you are not planning to get pregnant but are still able to do so.

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